
   Maybe it's intuition  也許那是直覺

But something you just don't question  但有些事你從不懷疑

Like in your eyes  就像從你眼中

I see my future in an instant  我在剎那間看見了未來

And there it goes  但很快就消失了

I think I found my best friend  我想,我找到了最好的朋友

I know that it might sound more than a little… 我知道那聽起來有點…

crazy, But I believe…  瘋狂, 但我相信──

*I knew I loved you before I met you  我知我前世就曾愛過你

I think I dreamed you into life  我想我夢著你,已夢了一生

I knew I loved you before I met you  我知我以往就曾愛過你

I have been waiting all my life  我已經等了一輩子

There's just no rhyme or reason  那其實毫無意義

Only the sense of completion  只有把事情了結的感覺

And in your eyes  在你眼中

I see the missing pieces I'm searching for 我看見了那尋覓已久的失落的片段

I think I've found my way home  我想我已找到歸途

I know that it might sound more than a little..  我知道那聽起來有點

crazy, But I believe... (*)  瘋狂, 但我相信──




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